Wednesday, January 18, 2012

34 Weeks- Mama Bird is Nesting

Woah, I'm a little late on the blog posting today, it's been quite the day for us. With the baby shower this past weekend the house looked like a baby store exploded in the living room and I've been making attempts to clean and organize all of it. That nesting thing is no joke, and it's hitting hard at the moment. I'm determined to be completely ready for him when we reach term. Even if he does come on his due date, I still sleep better knowing we are ready at a moments notice! Over the past week I've gotten our hospital bag all together, and this coming week I will be working on getting Roxas's hospital bag together too. I've spent my entire day washing baby clothes and blankets as well as organizing and putting away all of our other baby stuff. I've also found the need to clean ever available surface in the house too. I'm sure Roxas will know if the baseboards are dirty!

The baby shower was on Sunday and I had a great time seeing all my friends and family come together to celebrate the impending arrival of Roxas. It's starting to become much more real as time goes on and the date gets ever closer. I can't believe there are only 6 more weeks to go! I put up some pictures of the baby shower on Flickr, but I don't have too many right now. Here is the shower cake that my mom made and I decorated :-)
The shower really helped us get a lot of the necessary supplies we still needed for Roxas when he comes home. We still need to get a few things but that just means I get to finally shop without worry about getting a repeat gift!

As for how I am (which everybody seems to ask now)...I am doing pretty good considering I have 5lbs. of baby attached to the front of me. Things get more difficult as the days go by and somebody even told me today that "I'm sitting like a pregnant lady" whatever that means. I noticed I waddle now too...wonderful. He has started to drop down a bit more and I'm hoping he is staying head down. I feel a lot more baby parts rolling and rubbing along the inside of my belly. A lot of the time there is a foot or his butt shoved up into my ribs or gallbladder. I think he is really running out of room now. He's basically still on the course of maturing and growing even more now. There isn't much changing now, other than just growing!

Well, that's all for now. I will try to take some more pictures of the nursery since it's pretty much completely done now. See you next week.

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