Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It's A Crazy Life, But I Love It!

           Well it's been awhile since I did a regular update type blog post, a lot of stuff has been going on and it's just been crazy. The little monster is growing up so fast! He is trying so hard to roll over on his own now. He gets himself onto his side but just can't quite make it all the way over. He is loving his toys now, especially this one firefly made by a company called Lamaze. You'll see it in a lot of the pictures! He likes to grab it and chew on it. He likes to chew on a lot of things now, especially my hands or shoulders. Of course this results in a very soggy shoulder or hand but I don't mind. Roxas recently got to meet his great uncle for the first time and also got to go swimming for the first time too! He had a blast playing with great uncle Gary and swimming and splashing in the pool.
       Since my last "regular" post we went to get our first round of immunizations and boy was that traumatic- more for me than Roxas I think. He had to get poked three times and drink this liquid vaccine stuff. Nothing breaks your heart quite as much as seeing this look like "this hurts mommy, make it stop!" and you can't. He had a reaction to them later on in the day. His legs swelled up and became very red and warm around the injection sites. A little baby tylenol, some ice packs and cuddling and he was feeling better. Other than the shots the appointment was rather uneventful. He is over 12lbs now and his head is still off the chart for size. It's all those textbooks I read him- they've made his brain so big and smart. We don't go back until he is 4 months old which seems like a long time but I know it will be here before I know it.

         Time seems to be flying by at exceptional speeds. I can't believe we are almost halfway through the year already. Seems like just yesterday I was toasting the new year with my glass of sparkling cider! I'm trying my best to enjoy and commit to memory as many moments as I can. I know I won't remember all of the little things in the years to come so I savor them now.

         I start work again this coming Saturday and I don't know how it's going to go but I know it will be harder for me than him. I am only going back part time and I am thankful for a husband who works his butt off so that I can have the best of both worlds. I will be home with Roxas for the majority of the time but the extra income and time out of the house will be a good thing for me. Or at least that is what I keep telling myself. I am so lucky to have had almost three months to bond with Roxas and learn so much about who he is. Kenny also gets to watch Roxas for the first time alone while I am at work this weekend. Hopefully things go just as well on his end [fingers crossed for a happy baby that day] Well that is all for now, hopefully I will find some more time to post again after returning to work and let everybody know how it went.

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